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Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital.

VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world.

VIPsight offers, every month:
transparent and independent current information / comments / facts and figures on corporate governance locally and internationally,

  • written by local CG experts,
  • selected and structured by the Club of Florence,
  • financed by its initiator VIP and other sponsors with a background of “Equity and Advisory” interests.

VIPsight International

Article Index


Reading suggestions

Butzke, Volker, Die Hauptversammlung der Aktiengesellschaft [The AGM]

Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 5th ed., 621 pp, €129.95, ISBN 978-3-7910-2588-9

This work is essential for those who are preparing for general meetings, or implement and manage or participate in them as a member of the board of directors or supervisory board or as shareholders or shareholder representatives. On the basis of the legal framework conditions, typical questions are addressed. Particular attention is paid to the rights and duties of the chairman in conflict situations as well as to shareholder rights to speech and to be informed. The new edition includes the Corporate Governance Code and the numerous legislative changes and current case law. A separate chapter is devoted to the general meeting of the SE.

CMS Hasche Sigle (ed.), Rechtsratgeber Übernahmerecht [The Legal Advisor on Takeover Law]

Cometis, 184 pp, €19.90, ISBN 978-3-940828-73-6

This handy pocket-sized work is a concise and catchily written overview of the key practical legal issues relating to the acquisition of listed companies and is a collaborative work written by the takeover-specialist partners in the law firm CMS Hasche Sigle. It is written by practitioners for practitioners and informs in the shortest form about the market for public takeovers in Germany, due diligence, the bid phase and the duties of the governing bodies of the target company, up to the "hostile takeover" and legal protection. The guide is completed by a time and action plan, the contents of an offer document and a glossary.

Dehnen, Peter H., Der professionelle Aufsichtsrat [The Professional Supervisory Board Member]

F.A.Z.-Buch, 224 pp, €29.90. ISBN 978-3-8998-1255-8

The demands on the supervisory board member have changed considerably in recent years. This book shows the main functions of the Supervisory Board up to date and how they are ideally to be performed. The basic knowledge on all relevant issues such as corporate governance, rights and responsibilities, budgets, bankruptcy, value management and communication is clearly taught in a practical way - with many examples from "real" life. But topics such as rhetoric and professional appearance to the outside are also treated.


Heese, Victor, Aktienbewertung mit Kennzahlen [Stock Valuation Metrics]

Gabler Verlag, 220 pp, €34,95. ISBN 978-3-8349-1675-4

The book provides a clear, concise and critical survey of the most commonly used indicators in the fundamental analysis of stocks. The central question: when is a normal assessment present and when over- or under-valuation of individual stocks or the total market? In the first part the author defines and explores the key figures in question, before then in the second part examining how many and which metrics promise good investment success.

Horn, Georg, Schroffenberg, Hubertus von, Ganzheitliche Finanzplanung [Holistic Financial Planning]

Gabler Verlag, 240 pp, €39.95, ISB 978-3-8349-2694-4

The importance of behavioural finance, the research branch that deals with the influence of psychological mechanisms on economic action, is hardly disputed. The literature has so far dealt with this issue more at the scientific level. In this book two practitioners from the insurance industry link expertise and psychology to mature and proven consulting concepts. These include both the investment of funds (primarily for retirement, but also for other purposes) as well as borrowing. They take into account the needs of decidedly critical audiences, such as from mid-sized companies, heirs, women, or the so-called Best Agers.

Rapp, Matthias, Wullenkord, Axel, Unternehmenssteuerung durch den Finanzvorstand [Corporate Management by the Chief Financial Officer]

Gabler Verlag, 208 pp, €44,95, ISBN 978-3-8349-2569-5

The CFO takes a prominent position on the board in many companies, as his responsibilities are crucial for the preservation and development of the company. The authors describe the central aspects of this range of tasks, going well beyond the compilation and preparation of figures, in an impressive and practice-orientied manner.