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Corporate Governance – portrayed in the individual cultural and legal framework, from the standpoint of equity capital.

VIPsight is a dynamic photo archive, sorted by nations and dates, by and for those interested in CG from all over the world.

VIPsight offers, every month:
transparent and independent current information / comments / facts and figures on corporate governance locally and internationally,

  • written by local CG experts,
  • selected and structured by the Club of Florence,
  • financed by its initiator VIP and other sponsors with a background of “Equity and Advisory” interests.

VIPsight International

Article Index


Reading suggestions


Breuer, Wolfgang, Gürtler, Marc, Schuhmacher, Frank, Portfoliomanagement I

2nd ed., Gabler Verlag, 469 pp, €44.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-2130-7

This book forms the first part of a two-volume work on portfolio management. Vol. I focuses on the conceptual foundations of portfolio selection by investors, portfolio selection based on arbitrage considerations and in particular, portfolio optimization in the Markowitz presentation. In addition to the vivid presentation of all concepts using consistent numerical examples, in particular the concrete possibilities of practical application of the various approaches are explained.

Gerner, Thomas, Denken und Handeln an Finanzmärkten

Gabler Verlag, 363 pp, €46.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-1732-4

The principles of investing and wealth creation are easy to write down, but the larger context needs to be understood. The author has interviewed twelve successful and simultaneously very different investors. Each interview runs differently, and illuminates some other point. They all share a deep interest in understanding the world. Anyone who has read this book will see that there are many routes to the destination. The interviewees include Jens Ehrhardt, Felix Zulauf and Christoph Metzger.

Hannich, Günther, Die kommende Euro-Katastrophe

FinanzBuch Verlag, 208 pp, €24.9, ISBN 978-3-89879-509-8

The critic of the monetary system describes fictional scenarios of its collapse, and explains why the currency not only does not contribute to the solution of tensions in the euro area, but also even causes political and economic harm.

Hardtke, Arnd, Kleinfeld, Annette, Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen

Gabler Verlag, 388 pp, €49.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-0806-3.

The team of authors takes up the central themes of CSR thinking, puts concrete implementing proposals forward and gives an outlook on future developments. Particularly readers from the entrepreneurial middle class will learn how they can effectively and efficiently implement social responsibility in their everyday business. Best-practice examples from leading companies graphically demonstrate advanced solutions and concepts for success.

Hilpold, Claus, Kaiser, Dieter G., Innovative Investmentstrategien

Gabler Verlag, 268 pp, €59.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-1982-3

The book describes in exacting detail the most important innovative investment techniques. This is supplemented by detailed examples from the field of trade. Hilpold is CEO and founder of POLARIS Investment Advisory in Zurich and Kaiser is Director of Investment Management at Feri Institutional Advisors in Bad Homburg.

Schulz, Dietmar (ed.), Restrukturierungspraxis

Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 296 pp, €59.95, ISBN 978-3-7910-2935-1

Restructurings in liquidity crises in essence concern the financing in being. This book gives an overview of the key issues in bankruptcy law and the various alternative actions, and illustrates typical reorganization and restructuring measures using case studies.

Vogel, Henrik, Ashauer-Moll, Ellen, Steueroasen

Gabler Verlag, 208 pp, €44.95, ISBN 978-3-8349-1720-1

There are no real tax havens any more. Illegal investments, evading the Revenue, are becoming ever more risky, given the increasing international cooperation, and are therefore not a valid model for the future. The approved alternative is legalization and repatriation of illicit assets abroad. The book is particularly useful to tax consultants in practical implementation, informing about legal risks and warning of potential pitfalls. A worthwhile investment for bankers and private investors too. Attorney Vogel (LL.M.) and tax consultant Ellen Ashauer-Moll work for Rödl & Partner.